Benefits of online art courses

We ask ourselves or maybe tell ourselves, “I know a lot about painting and drawing so why should I spend the money on courses online?”. This may be a dilemma that most self -taught artists and artists with degrees thinks about. Are we afraid we might find out we have been doing something wrong? We don’t have the time, it’s hard to figure out how to download the course, what if it is a scam?  I’m sure self-doubt is among these thoughts too.

I have had the same doubts, fears, hesitations when it comes to online courses. In my early years of being an artist I took several classes with artists, and art classes at museums to learn new mediums. This was way before the Internet had online anything! 

In my 40’s I decided to get a degree in Art Therapy. I pursued this by going to a college where I studied art history, psychology, and fine art.  I graduated with a BA in Art Therapy with a minor in fine art. I knew it all! What more could I learn?

Having best of both worlds I believe there is so much more I want to learn.  As artists we find our niche and it goes well for a while. Then it gets to start feeling stale, boring, maybe a little stagnant.  I buy books, look at other artist works, try a few things, but they aren’t quite working for me. I do find being on social media opens many opportunities for free online art courses along with paid art courses.  

These art courses can be a way for you to try new things, learn new insights from different artists or just a refresher course. So many possibilities to move forward with your art can help you change old patterns so you can find new ones.  I have been on social media since 2013 where the opportunities where not so available. But now…. there are so many artists who are offering their talents and time to share their knowledge with others.  I follow several artists because I love their work, their uniqueness, their techniques. When one of them offers a free online course, I take it.  I have also paid for art course the I will have forever to go back to.

So far, I have not been scammed, compromised, or let down.  Once I took that leap of faith to pay for an online art course, I was surprised how easy it was to access and download.  

Opening one door can reawaken our thirst for wanting to learn more. As humans evolving, we will always want more. So, take this opportunity to open new doors and reawaken your creative side! 

You won’t know what’s behind that door until you allow yourself to explore!

~ Pamela
